Please check out my very first publication, "Surviving Narcissists in the Workplace." I am excited to release my first book and hope you all get a lot from it. It's available now in the Amazon Kindle store for just $2.99! Click the link below to go straight to the page. Please leave feedback and please tell a friend!
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![Surviving Narcissists in the Workplace: Defending Your Right to Earn with Dignity by [Exist, Permission To]](
Hi, I just came across your YouTube channel and blog and have to say you are a godsend!! I have been dealing with narcissist for almost a year and, after learning a ton during this time about NPD, it was like a huge light bulb that went off above my head because I could finally understand what made him tick. He started as a romantic interest that I initially thought could become a real and serious relationship, but very quickly his mask fell off. Still, I persisted. Right now, I am at the stage of realizing that he will NEVER change and am attempting to extricate myself from his black-hole pull. I particularly loved your video on having fun with your narcissist, because you gave concrete examples of how to f**k with their minds a bit. In my non-expert opinion, while he's certainly not pathological and likely lies at the low end of the spectrum, he possesses enough traits to classify him as such and I allowed myself to be a miserable victim. Now I do see him for the predictable creature he is, and in fact am in the midst of yet another silent treatment as "punishment". I was looking for ways I could eventually screw with his head a little. And while Im aware the best way to deal with a N is to just stay away, for the time being while I'm at the tail end of my healing, I admit to getting a kick out of your suggestions! Unfortunately, I have to "play along" until silent treatment ends, because he has something I left at his house that I absolutely need back- and yes it is worth the role playing to have this expensive object returned. Thankfully, as I said, he's more a low level N so I can afford to do this.
ReplyDeletePlease keep up the incredible work, the information you're providing is golden to those who have to deal with this group. Thank you!!
Great materials. You're hitting the nail right on the head.
ReplyDeleteI just commented on one of your videos, saying that my narcissist boss ruined a few words for me. One word is "teamwork." In their world, "teamwork" referred to your compliance with their authority. Every day was a control test, and the contests were always petty, but anything short of unquestioning compliance was evidence of "poor teamwork" skills.
ReplyDeleteYou videos are great I have lived and been with people all my like knowing there was something wrong and always walked on egg shells when around them 😳Your research and listening to your videos really taught me a lot
I have to add my input. I've been listening to your youtubes, very well articulated and your voice is also very lovely to listen to. You are exact, and correct, and enlighening. I love one in which you laughed alot about how to have "fun" with them, you made me laugh and I haven't laughed in a long time. I do believe these are truly aliens, that humanity has been invaded with this toxic creature and soon the world will wake up to them and evict them because they will no longer have a place to hide, especially hiding behind those who protect them with misplaced compassion and a delusional sense of "oneness". These narcissists are creatures, not human and they never will be. They have wreaked havoc on Earth and caused often deliberately untold suffering to innocents. I value your work, you are an Angel!
ReplyDeleteCan you please do a video on dogwhistling and narcissistic abuse?
ReplyDeleteMy name is laura and I have a video of my son in law after he kicked my daughter in her face twice after punching her in the face the night before. He says he is Lucifer and diablo. It’s scarey as hell. She is devastated. He has a lot of narcissistic behaviors.
ReplyDeleteCould you respond to me? I don’t know how to send you the video