It only takes one or two narcissists to completely derail business operations.
What's interesting about this is they don't always have to be in positions of power. Mainly, they just have to be
Short of threatening their peers with violence, these people will never be fired, and they'll never be removed from their positions. They do just enough work to never warrant poor performance reviews, but also, not enough work to truly push the company forward.
Currently, there are two narcissists in my department that keep us in a stifling, choking holding pattern. One is in a position of power, the other is an individual contributor. The one in power is completely closed off to input and feedback, a cheapskate, and a fundamentally nasty person. This narc alone keeps us from moving forward and being great, but this is to be expected.
What's interesting is the individual contributor narc; whose presence is so psychically disruptive, the department is frozen. Even if you were to remove the narc in power, the I.C. narc would remain, and keep the department held hostage.
How does the I.C. narc do this? She pretends she's unable to take on new assignments (preventing the equal distribution of work), she has no transferable skills or expertise and is not interested in learning any (prevents department from offering new resources to business partners), she is completely closed off to feedback and input (projects end up coming across as unfinished and unprofessional), she is usually in some sort of funk (affects the moods of those around her), and more than any of this- sees nothing wrong with what I've listed above. The removal of this particular narc would propel our department forward by at least three years.
So why haven't they fired her yet? They don't have any real reason to. She "delivers" on the one project she has, and if this is all she's held to, what basis would they have? The problem is, the work they can't give to her they give to myself and another peer. I watch her seethe as assignments and accolades go to other people, but she absolutely refuses to accept those same assignments. More than being unwilling to accept them, she is fundamentally incapable of delivering on the assignments. Upper management has given up and works around her 'inability.'
As a department, our credibility is shot. We have a million conversations around why this is the case, but it really all traces back to two people- one in power who is unwilling to change, and one not in power who is unwilling to change. This unwillingness to be better neutralizes the good work of others and grinds the department down to nubs. As a whole we end up producing a mediocre product that other people can see and are hard pressed to take seriously.
Never underestimate the far-reaching effects a narcissist can have on any environment, but in particular, the business environment. My greatest hope now is to find my way to a better company soon, or hope that a non-narc boss gets hired into upper management, and cleans house.