Saturday, August 13, 2016

Why Men Should Be Offended By 'Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man'

I just did a post on the channel where I'm beginning to address the problem(s) with Steve Harvey's book, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man.

In a comment on this video that has since been deleted, I am asked if I'm a full-blown feminist. While I normally don't respond to such critiques, I'd like to address this one.  Anyone who has taken the time to review my work will see that I am a person who supports the fair and ethical treatment of all people, not just women. 

I cannot stand the mistreatment of people, period.  Over time, I will address all forms of that mistreatment.  The time has come now, though, to address Mr. Harvey's work and the awful message it is sending to women and men all over the world.  It is a how-to manual of survival in a narcissistic world of their creation.

So why should men be concerned?  Men should be concerned because men who think and act the way Steve Harvey describes will come into contact with their:

  • Mothers
  • Sisters
  • Cousins
  • Nieces
  • Aunts
  • Daughters
These men will tell all of the women listed above, "You can fit into a crack in my life and no more. But still be there for me though, while I build myself.  I can't be the man you need me to be, but I need you to be the woman I need you to be for me."  

Steve is telling all of the women listed above, "We play games with you and use tactics on you because you're naive and don't know how we think."  

Imagine your daughter's boyfriend coming to you and saying, "Gee man, did you teach her anything? I did a number on your girl's head.  Will take her years to unravel it.  Thanks for protecting the bro code, though."

Imagine your mother, who may be trying to date and remarry, ending up with a guy who plays games with her head primarily because she has no idea he does it and can get away with it.  What do you want to do to this guy?  The guy who makes your mother cry?

The good men out there never stop to consider the impact the bad men will have on the women in their lives.  They uphold the "bro code" by remaining silent, while the women in their lives are emotionally destroyed. Men like Steve Harvey make it seem okay to operate like this in the world.

So no, I'm not a "full-blown feminist" or a feminist for that matter.  I am a woman who is concerned with the whole of humanity and where it's headed, and I will address the behaviors I see that contribute to humanity's destruction. 

Stay tuned for Part 2!

1 comment:

  1. My daughters boyfriend and her mother did a number on her head. And now that she has a daughter with him I don't think it will ever change. I is funny how liers get you to believe that lieing is normal. And you just have to except that this is a fack. And that you are the strange one because you don't like to be lied to. I was not raised that way . I have been told that I am just so perfect because I don't like to lie and don't like to be lied to.
